Yes, it's true. Annie and I are pregnant and our baby is due in late June. We are super excited for this new, big thing in our lives, but we definitely feel a little nervous sometimes (are you kidding me, we are responsible for making sure this person is not totally screwed up?!?!?!?). Anyway, we don't know if it's a boy or a girl and our plan is to stay surprised till we can look down and say "Oh. there it is," "or isn't" (that's a Friends quote by the way). Anyway, we are using these 9 months to get our house ready, to get our minds ready, and to hopefully make sure our marriage is ready.
I am in the process of writing a little diddy about when Annie told me, so hopefully that comes here soon, but in the meantime. here are pics of our little meatloaf

By the way. It was absolutely crazy to see this ultrasound because not only was the heart beating super fast, but also the little arms and legs were moving and it looked for a second like our kid was waving at us. peace dudes
hang to pull the ol' cliche out of the bag..but man thats amazing!
of course hang means hate..obviously..
YIPEE! Congratulations! (does somersault).
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