So here it is, I have embraced the mohawk, and I love it. I was trying to convince Annie for over a month to let me have it and I finally got her to the point where she said I can have it, but not when we visit the doctor. I therefore had a small, two week window and Friday night with the help of her very own brother Pat, I seized that window. Suffice it to say the cut was everything I envisioned and more, and after waking up the next morning Annie said she liked it so much I could keep it (she said she wouldn't even mind me having it when I am a daddy!)
Shortly after waking on Saturday, we went for a little coffee date to Starbucks and while we were there one of our pastors, Darryl, saw us. He came fresh from their morning elder meeting and was there with two elders. He is a great guy and came up to me and said that he was just thinking how many weirdos there always are at Starbucks and then he saw me. I enthusiastically jumped in here and said, "and then you realized that there are weirdos right in your office!". We all laughed about it and went about our merry way.
So I sported it with pride today at Church and most of the teens loved it (though one glanced at me with a look of shocked disgust, and that amuses me) and the parents thought it was funny for the most part, but the best response was from our lead Pastor, Brad, who just laughed and told Annie and I that he liked it. Anyway, I figured I wanted a mohawk and there are few places where you can get away with having one, and being a youth minister is one of those, so here it is for a little while. Me and Taylor Knox, adults who rock mohawks.

seriously! who in their right mind is going to tell you any different! By the way thanks for introducing us to flight of the conchords! what a hoot!
I'm so jealous. If I tried to pull that off, it would just be a back-hawk. Hrm. You need to call me back. I'm getting frustrated with your prodigal-ness.
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