Wednesday, February 6, 2008


So I saw this on Mark Oestreicher's blog and thought it was funny, and my friends and I have joked about this a little bit so I figured i would take the quiz. I honestly expected the number to be lower, but its a little funny that it is this high. this is the same group of folks that recently came out and spent time with us here. I wonder if they will do that again after seeing this?


You can click the badge to try it out for yourself, it's pretty funny. Well off to staff meeting I go...


Jules Oldroyd said...

...well I was only have a 28% chance of eating my friends...which I suppose is good considering I could get trapped in a blizzard, while you on the other hand...not as likely. so proportionally, it's probably worse that I'm 28% than it is that you are 56%...

Jules Oldroyd said...

(should read: well i only have...not sure why was is in there?)